Can Velvet Antler Improve USA Running Performance ?
Elk Velvet Antler products are life-infused "Natural" nutritional supplements by LifeQuest Nutrients harvested in Opal, Alberta, Canada and distributed by E-Com Global Inc. USA. There are no known side effects. You must be faithful to your health.
Elk Velvet Antler is a natural, drug-free adaptogen, supporting strength and endurance.- helps maintain the energy or chi in a state of balance.
Used by Russians, Koreans, Chinese and Japenese for over 2000 years, this is a legal, natural alternative to phamaceutical enhanced drugs, particularly for an edge on athletic competition - NO STEROIDS.
Can you recall the last time an American Runner won the N.Y. Marathon?, the Boston Marathon ? or placed in the top ten of the Olympic Marathon?
I've been a life-time runner for more than 30 years now. I've ran in more than a dozen marathons, have a closet full of T-shirts from countless 5k's, 10ks fun runs and walks.
As a "health enthusist" and recreational runner, I have constantly searched for the "right supplementation" to improve performance.
I've taken velvet elk antler for the past two months. I'm a believer. Increased endurance and quick recovery after runs. I love velvet elk antler.
Athletes, and recreational runners are always looking for that edge. That edge is velvet elk antler. Life enfused energy!
Try Velvet Elk Antler - On Us !
Whether you're a first-time runner, walker, a seasoned runner, or somewhere in between - We gaurantee you will feel the difference in your energy level and workouts. Try Elixir on us at 30% off the retail price and recieve Betty Kamen, PhD - The Remarkable Healing Power of Velvet Antler.
Elk Antler Extract (5%), Ginseng Root, Radix Codonopsis, Fructus Lycii, Herba Cistanches, Fructus Ligustri, Pericarpium Citri.
Try Velvet Elk Antler on Us !
Acquire Peak Fitness - Endurance Vitality & Energy Booster !
Vitality - Endurance & Energy
Quick Recovery After Stressful Workouts.
In 1999, the chondroitin sulfate and collagen type II in velvet antler were scientifically substantiated by research and clinical studies, in compliance with FDA regulations "to support healthy joint structure and function".
You'll feel the difference !
A performance enhancer - All Natural & Healthy for You !
To Order Call: 1-888-321-4511 (Pin#8439)