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Number One - you must commit to USE the products daily and faithfully.   In conjunction with proper diet and exercise, we guarantee daily use of our products will enhance your health and you will feel the difference. Depending on your supplementation requirements, choose an auto-ship program specifically for you and your family ! Auto Ship Odering - Click Here !
Elk Velvet Antler is poised to be the # 1 choice for PREVENTIVE NUTRITION.  E-Com Global Inc. is positioned to become the World's largest Distributor of Velvet Elk Antler Nutritional Products, manufactured by LifeQuest Nutrients.  LifeQuest Nutrients contain the highest quality, purest and most potent velvet antler on the market.  We are looking for serious and committed Distributors to join our team and secure a healthy future and reap substantial monthly residual income by helping others.
Word is spreading  fast about our amazing Nutritional products fortified with velvet elk antler.  Products that really work !   We use the products every day and we know the products are simply amazing. You will see results once you use the products. We have found that sharing information about our LifeQuest Nutritional products is really easy.  Testimonials are frequent because EVA has improved their energy, body-building goals and overall health, rejuvention and well being.
Number One - you must commit to USE the products daily and faithfully.   In conjunction with proper diet and exercise, we guarantee daily use of our products will enhance your health and you will feel the difference. Depending on your supplementation requirements, choose an auto-ship program specifically for you and your family ! Auto Ship Odering - Click Here !
Secondly,  take advantage of our Velvet Package:  These packages are designed to bring you a gift of health, residual money, and the ability to help others by sharing your knowledge.  We've combined  the most powerful Business Trends in the world today. Mass advertising, Internet/E-Commerce, T.V., Radio and word of mouth advertising (telling friends, family, co-workers, local stores, local  newspapers, TV, Radio stations.  Of course, people who are recognizing how good you look and want to know just WHAT are you taking and doing.   Those who have already joined our team include::
Nurses, Doctors, Lawyers, Sports Celebrities, College Students, Realtors, Insurance Agents, Stay-at-home Moms & Dads, Top CEO's, Financial Planners, Construction Workers, Pet Food Suppliers, Independent Gym Owners, Veterinarians, Waiters, Waitresses, and even people who are flat broke. Everyone who knows their HEALTH is # 1 priority --  Without HEALTH -- WEALTH is worth-LESS !
Why ?
No Competition for our product !  - "EVA" PREVENTIVE NUTRITION" - LifeQuest Products contain the very best adaptogenic/natural nutrients available in the United States Nutritional Market.  Sure there are thousands of other nutritional supplements on the market that are excellent for good health. However,  they are not fortified with velvet elk antler !  This means we have an open market and our commitment at E-Com Global is to introduce velvet elk antler products to the American consumer. We have had tremendous growth - simply by getting the word out about
velvet elk antler;  using the product daily and answering the question,"WHY DO YOU
Our Packages are designed to fulfil our mission statement:  "CONNECTING THE WORLD AND CHANGING LIVES",  --  Marketing velvet elk antler globally is our goal.  With distributors duplicating our efforts, success is guaranteed.  Start benefiting TODAY with this tremendous opportunity.  This is YOUR life - Make a firm commitment to YOUR health.-- They really are the same -- you know?
Velvet Package:
You Receive:
Customized Web Site
We maintain & host your site
We drive traffic to your site
Receive copy of "The remarkable Healing Power of Velvet Antler"
Receive 25 copies of "Oriental Secret of E.V.A." Catalogue
We will submit your site to all major search engines
Include your Site in our Monthly Newsletter
Provide consulting to drive your e-commerce business
Velvet Distributors will receive our "new" Catalog/Book to assist in marketing EVA. This 20-page booklet is designed to bring you immediate sales.  It is very comprehensive and an ideal book to share with those who require additional information.  Of course, your objective is to have your customer start enjoying the benefits of these remarkable nutrients immediately. "The Oriental Secret of E.V.A." book is inclusive and designed for introduction to doctor's & attorney's offices, gyms, spas, health clinics, veterinarians, kennels, nursing homes, day-care, beauty shops, hospitals, fitness and rehabilitation centers, on local sales calls and direct mailouts.
By Karen Dunn
All products Listed with Prices and updated as needed .
Space provided to add Your Name & Phone Number. Customized for you!

This package is for Distributors that do not have the ability to be their own Webmaster and/or do not know how to advertise on line and choose to use our brochure for their advertising.  Distributors can, however, make copies of the brochure for thier use..
Marketing Resources & Support
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To build your Internet profits will take time - but you can earn substantial monthly income - once you drive traffic to your site. While waiting for your online profits, our catalog is designed to bring  you money through direct sales - simply by sharing the book with family, friends and as many people as you come in contact with.
E-Com Global, Inc. and Buyers Shopping Network have teamed up to promote "Oriental Secret of E.V.A."  and "A Touch of Velvet" cream/ointment..
Buyers Shopping Network will produce a :60 second, direct response commercial to market the "Oriental Secret of E.V.A." capsules and "A Touch of Velvet cream. These commercials will air in targeted markets throughout the country.
To view the back cover of the "Oriental Secret of E.V.A. click below.
Velvet Gold Package:
You Receive:
Customized Web Site
We maintain & host
You share in our television/radio marketing
Receive 100 copies of "Oriental Secret of E.V.A."
One copy "The Remarkable Healing Power of Velvet Antler"
Customized monthly newsletter
Customized E-mail campaign
We drive traffice to your site
20% discount on all catalog and flyer purchases
We take your business to the next level . Worldwide advertising on 3DSJ - The world's largest Internet commercial  radio station.
Choose Your Package:
E- mail address:
To order your package: Call Toll Free 1-866-326-8537
or Select package below and one of our representatives will contact you.
Health & Fitness
Pet Products
Hair & Skin Care
Sexual Enhancement
Distributor's Packages
Velvet Platimum Package:
Purchase products at E-Com Global wholesale price.
Initial investment starts at      $2,500
Additional Information: Call Karen Dunn - 813-948-3355
Dexter McGriff - 813-837-3802
Order your Package via PayPal
Order your Package via PayPal
Number One - you must commit to USE the products daily and faithfully.   In conjunction with proper diet and exercise, we guarantee daily use of our products will enhance your health and you will feel the difference. Depending on your supplementation requirements, choose an auto-ship program specifically for you and your family ! Auto Ship Odering - Click Here !
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Velvet Package
Velvet Package Gold